Jul 28, 2013

Ulm's Festivities

Schwörwoche (Oath Week) is Ulm's annual festivity. The biggest events of this week happen on the weekend and on Monday.

Last Saturday we went to see the Lichterserenade (Serenade of lights) - Hundreds of lanterns or candles are released from traditional boats onto the river. Afterwards there's a fireworks display.

We got to the center when it was still daylight. Many streets were closed, as well as at least one of the bridges over the river. The streets were full of people drinking beer and eating gigantic hot dogs. We tried to find a good spot because I wanted to take lots of photos but it was impossible to do so. The bridge and the river banks were already full of people. So I had to "steal" this photos from the internet to show you what the Lichterserenade is. A picture is worth a thousand words!!

From here

From here

From here

From here

It was really very beautiful!

On Sunday there were other traditional events, like processions through the city in the morning and the Fischerstechen (Fisherman's jousting contest), a tournament on the river, in the afternoon. Unfortunately we didn't see any of these events - and it's an unfortunate thing because the jousting contest, for instance, only happens every 4 years...
Last Monday (schwöermontag) was the most important day of the Oath week although not a bank holiday. NSN allowed the workers to leave early and we went to the city in the afternoon and met with some of Mike's colleagues.
The celebrations begun in the morning, with the mayor showing up at the Schwörhaus (Oath house) and swearing to support and maintain the city's constitution.

But it's in the afternoon that the fun begins - it's time for the Nabada!! - a sort of river procession.
I'll let the pictures do the talking!

First came the big boats, with bands playing music!

Then came the big decorated boats.

And then came everyone else.


Once in a while, a group of people in one of the boats would shout something at the people who were watching and everybody would shout something back - a traditional saying, as Mike's colleagues explained. Then someone in a boat would start singing and everybody would sing along! Some people used some sort of water pumps and buckets to throw water at the people watching! It was such fun!

After the Nabada we went to a biergarten (big shock!) and ate hot dogs, chips and had the usual raddler! When we were all fed and hydrated (!) we went for a walk around the city center.

Mike's colleagues led the way.

We wandered about the center until 9 o'clock. Every street was full of people. There were food and drink stations everywhere. Some streets were transformed into "nightclubs" or discotheques with people dancing and listening to very loud music.
It was a very good afternoon and we really enjoyed it!


  1. Nabada sounds fun fun fun!!! Did you at least get your feet wet?
    Biergarten and raddler?!?! What a shock! :p

    1. Of course we did! people were throwing water at us!
      Next year, Mike and his colleagues want to build a boat and splash in the river! :)
      For me, the best part was the serenade of lights! Very utxi cutxi!

    2. Good idea! U could be the "gondoliere"!!!

  2. Estive agora a ver what you've been up to! Very interesting indeed, and it's such a good idea to be thinking of participating next year. The Nabada is so colourful, and the lights!! so beautiful. Seems you're really enjoying it and I'm happy for you!
