Jul 31, 2013

Our weekend

This past weekend the thermometers hit the 33 or 34 degrees.
Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but the heat here is different - maybe it's just my imagination or the fact I wasn't expecting temperatures in the high 20s, let alone in the 30s!
In Portugal I was rarely without a jacket near by, even in the summer, whereas here we go for walks (and ice cream!) at 9:00 at night in our shorts and tops and I still feel hot! (Michael says I'm crazy!)
There's also the problem: "our cubicle (a.k.a aparthotel room) is a sauna"! It starts getting warmer at about 6 in the afternoon and then it keeps getting warmer and warmer making it impossible for us to stay inside. So we try to keep our indoor activities to a minimum, specially on weekends.

Saturday morning we went to Herrlingen to leave some things at the apartment. We also met the landlady's mother, a very nice lady we brought us flowers from her garden!

After lunch we went to a small park near the aparthotel and stayed the entire afternoon, until dinner time.


Michael tested the water temperature. Verdict - very cold and not good for a swim.

Sunday we went to a nature reserve near Herrlingen called Kleines Lautertal. It has several routes for bike riding and walking. We did the smallest one, 3km, not because we are lazy, obviously, but because it was too hot.

mini strawberries growing along one of the routes

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