Sep 21, 2014

On the road - there and back again through France

What do you do when you travel 2000km and are stuck in a car for 10 hours/day?
Why you take photos of the landscape, of course!

The trip to Portugal seemed to take longer than our trip back.

The first day it felt like we were taking forever to get to the hotel. The second day seemed to go by much faster and, overall, the trip went very well, no scares or problems whatsoever!

The trip back was a different story! On the first day everything went well and the hours went by very fast. The second day, though, was horrible, specially from Mulhouse and up until Herrlingen. In France it was probably national bad driver day and all the bad drivers were celebrating by driving around.
Then we crossed the border and had to face the German highways. Enough said!

Sep 15, 2014

Summer popsicles #3

Cherries and raspberries popsicles
100gr raspberries
100gr cherries, pitted
100gr natural yogurt
lemon juice

Blend everything together and pass through a strainer before pouring in the popsicle mold.

Blueberries popsicles
125gr blueberries
150gr natural yogurt
lemon juice

Blend all the ingredients together and pass through a strainer before pouring in the ice pop makers.
This time I skipped the strainer part which explains the little bits of blueberry skin on the popsicles.

Sep 12, 2014


We had the first full day of rain since we came back from vacation. It's been raining non-stop.
It's not that bad, though. In Portugal the rain usually brought along strong winds, making it very difficult to be outside. Here there's no wind and I don't have to choose between keeping the umbrella intact and getting a little bit wet, or protecting myself from the rain and breaking the umbrella.

Fall is coming in at full speed.
These photos were taken with the cellphone this afternoon during my walk to the supermarket. Aren't the colors pretty?

Anyway, today was also the first day of school for the penultimate module before the big test! Given the fact that I had to get up at 6:30, which is something that hasn't happened since the end of July, I was expecting to feel sleepy and lazy after lunch.
Surprisingly that didn't happen and by 16:00 I already had this recipe on the stove, was preparing this one and had finished several other chores around the apartment.
All in all it was a very productive afternoon!

Sep 11, 2014

Autumn is here

We went to Portugal during summer and came back, two weeks later, to Autumn. When we left the trees were lushly green; now they are turning yellow and red and brown and already there are leafs in the sidewalks.
I'm not complaining; I love Autumn

Mike isn't happy though! He needs high temperatures, hot and sweaty weather. I, on the other hand, can't wait to take a walk in the cool and crispy Autumn air.

When we came back we were greeted by a foggy Herrlingen. And it felt good! At least to me - Michael immediately complained about it.

Sep 8, 2014

Hohenschwangau - Neuschwanstein Schloss

Neuschwanstein Schloss stands on a hill above the village of Schwangau and it has sweeping views of the surrounding area. 
It was commissioned by Ludwig II of Bayern and intended as a personal refuge for the King, who was a very reclusive person. Ironically, the palace was open to the public immediately after his death and has since become one of the trademarks of Bayern.